So this week has definitely been a bit of a whirlwind and look who's finally getting all high tech with photos and making collages for you guys! (this is a big thing for me, I'm such an eejit but it makes the layout so much nicer). Anyways this is a bit of an insight into my past week, the main thing being my University Formal and the build up to it.
The week had been a hectic one and involved a lot of running around like a headless chicken, I suppose it goes to show formal prep can be done in a week (I dont recommend it but it's achievable). I actually uploaded a post earlier on in the week about my formal haul (link here: Uni Formal Haul post) and I suppose these photos are the finished outcome as all of the products purchased were used either before or on the night.
Everyone looked like absolute princesses and it was so nice to have an excuse to dress up for once, at university, well on my course anyways, it's more of an everyone chucks on whatever they can find in the mornings rather than carefully planning and styling outfits. The first photo is of my friend Sheila and I, far too many selfies were taken around the dinner table which was probably my fault and this was one of the nicer ones, the top middle photo was taken after dinner and showed off the full length of the dresses (I swear mine was a beautiful dark purple colour although no photo taken on the night did it justice). The rest of the photos show everyones full length outfits as well and basically a lot of carpet and background flowers, hey least they're nice. Lastly the bottom middle photo is of my corsage which I was kindly bought - again it's a terrible photo but it was lovely and smelt absolutely amazing, it also had tiny diamonds in the centre of the flower and had a pearl bracelet instead of those that you tie which are usually a lot of hassle, so I was really pleased about that.
Also I didn't realise until I was posting this that I hadn't included a picture of my new shoes that I'd bought for formal and in all honesty they were the accessory I was most excited about wearing and I'm not a huge glittery person. They are the most perfect things and actually did the trick of making me look tall for once without my feet killing the next day.
As you can tell the formal took up most of my week and the preparation that went towards it but I wouldn't have had it any other way, it was a wonderful night and I'm just glad that there's a possibility of another one in the next year or two. Hope everyone enjoyed reading my ramblings this week, it really did reflect the post title for once but any excuse to dress up and look pretty I guess.
Thank you for reading, Jenny xo
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