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Blogmas Day 4: The Christmas Tag

4 December 2014
This wasn't the post I'd prepared for today but as soon as I woke up and saw that the lovely Kenzie from (behindhazeleyes) had tagged me to do the Christmas Tag, I knew I needed to get it up as soon as - it just seemed like such a lovely and very fitting festive tag. It's also got me even more excited for Christmas than before which I didn't think was possible.... 

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie? 
Is it a cliche if I say Elf? It'll always be my childhood favourite, that and the Polar Express - they're just THAT good, I think the x1000 dvd re-runs in school at Christmas over the years also played a major part in it. My two favourite 'grown up' movies, aka not kids films (even though they're the best) are Love Actually and The Holiday & although they're Christmas movies if I could get away with watching them everyday I so would.

2. Do you open your Christmas Presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Christmas day always, I always find it nicer waiting until the big day, usually at an outrageous time and everyone unwrapping their presents around the tree. As I'm getting older my presents are usually more expensive and smaller in size, I'm no longer asking for bikes or anything so its nice to open them all together.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory? 
I don't have a favourite memory as such, I actually enjoy every Christmas and the excitement of the day and spending time doing barely anything in a Christmas jumper and having an excuse to eat your weight in chocolate and watch movies on end although one year it did snow on the day and that was pretty magical, just because I've always wanted a proper white Christmas.

4. What is your favourite festive food? 
Does chocolate count? I love the big tins of quality street, advent calendar(s), after eights, terrys chocolate orange, selection boxes, malteaser reindeers, the lot, I think everyone now understands I have a problem with chocolate. On a serious note though nothing can beat a big traditional Christmas dinner, its like a Sunday roast dinner but better (and thats hard to beat!)

5. What tops your tree? 
We have two trees, one main one and a little one so one tree has an angel and the other tree has a star - so we're mixing it up a little.

6. As a kid, what was the one crazy, wild, extravagant gift you asked for but never received?
I think I asked for a massive treehouse one year, funny thing is we don't have a tree anywhere in our garden and it probably would have taken longer than a night for Santa to build. I'm still holding out for the Christmas I wake up and find One Direction under the tree though, a girl can dream right?

7. Do you prefer a real tree or synthetic? 
Surprisingly we've never had a real tree although I love the smell of them so I'd have to say synthetic.

8. What's your favourite scheme for decorating a tree? 
I don't really have a scheme, lights are put on first, then tinsel, then all the sparkly and glittery ornaments second last before the star or angel, The only scheme I maybe have is a colour scheme, I like the traditional red, gold and green - none of the blue and white cold nonsense.

9. Giving or recieving? 
Always giving. I thinks its all a part of it, I love putting together little gifts that I hope people love and decorating them - decoration is seriously important and time-consuming :)

10. Christmas Day fashion? 
For the better part of the morning Christmas pyjamas are a must, its tradition and then after I'm awake and had breakfast I'll change into either a Christmas jumper (which I still need to buy for this year) or else some fancy-ish clothing I've bought for the day. I think it'll be the jumper this year!

11. What's your favourite Christmas song? 
This might quite possibly be the hardest questions ever, I don't have favourites, I just sing along to practically everything Christmas related. I do love Jackson 5's Rockin' Robin though, its just so upbeat and happy.

12. Christmas cards or texts? 
I'm old fashioned and if you've read Tuesdays post (link here) I'm all for Christmas cards over texts anyday - I love sending and receiving them. I do send all of my contacts a Christmas message though as soon as the clock strikes Christmas Day - usually not able to sleep from the excitement of Santa arriving, not long now!

I hope you enjoyed reading and I'm also tagging the following the followers to do this and of course anyone else who wants to (please leave links if you do), I love reading tags :)

Una from lacy floral
Taylor from another fashion fanatic
and Genevieve from vievelle

Thanks for reading, Jenny xo
P.s What's your favourite thing about Christmas?

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10 comments on "Blogmas Day 4: The Christmas Tag"
  1. Can't believe you don't have snow on Christmas, I've always had snow so it's always interesting when I read that places don't! You can come here there's plenty! haha xx

    1. I know, I wish we had it every year! When we do get it though, where I live we get the most :) I'll be on the next flight, see you soon lol! x

  2. I love this! It's made me feel really Christmassy! I agree, rocking robin is a great Xmas song, I always notice that everyone bops their head when it's playing, you just can't help it!
    I might have to do this tag myself soon!


    1. thank you! I felt really Christmassy writing it as well! Isn't it just? So under-rated :( Definiately do it and don't forget to leave me a link, the more of these posts I read the better I think x

  3. What a great idea ladies I love this post. I am going to tag a few bloggers to keep it going.

    1. Thanks! Please do it's such a lovely tag for this time of year and don't forget to leave me a link so I can have a little read :) x

  4. Aww thank you so much for nominating me! I love your answers, will try to do it soon!


    1. Its no problem & thanks! I cant wait to read it :) x

  5. Aw thanks so much for tagging me! I freaked out cause I love your blog lol, I'll try and do it asap :) x

    1. Aw its fine, thank you so much :) your comment literally made my day! I'm excited to read it :) x


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